David Comes to Life

I came in on a Thursday. It was noon, and the hall was bustling with people.e They all stood, stared and wondered at the stone creation above them. I was just like the rest, gazing up with my mouth half open as I walked around its base.
I was just about to leave when it moved. It wobbled just the tiniest bit, then more, its chest moving up and down to the the rhythm of my breathing. I looked around to see if anyone noticed; nobody did. So I turned back to David.
Then, the unthinkable happened. He pulled his lips back the slightest bit and turned into a smile. His head tilted down, so that his disposition was now not one of thought, but of melancholy, as he looked down upon the people below. They were all staring up as if nothing had happened. Then he knealt down. He took one foot, then the other down off his pedestal, and stepped over the glass barrier seperating him with the rest of the world. Suddenly he picked me up in his cold, heavy arms. He took me up to his face so that I could smell his chilly breath, and whispered, "Little girl, why do these people stare at me so much?"
"Because you're perfect, and they are staring up at you in admiration." I repied.
"But if people admire me so much, why don't they think so much as I do? They spend their time talking, watching, feeling, but not thinking."
"I don't know" I replied, "maybe for people, thinking is too difficult, or too boring. Maybe they just forget."
"Interesting," replied David,"I'll have to think about that."
And with that he gentlhy put me own, climbed over the glass and up his pedestal, stood one foot straight, the other slightly bent, and sighed "It will be the end of us." He resumed his pose, and before I knew it, he was frozen in stone as before.
My group had left by now, so I hurried over to catch up.
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