La Notte Bianca

It was people. It was many people. The people spilled onto the streets so that cars could no longer get by. It was crowds. It was getting pushed in every direction all at once and barely being able to move. It was a colorful barge towering over a sea of heads.
It was beer bottles strewn on the floor. It was beer after beer for those foolish enough to get drunk on such a night. It was joy, it was sorrow. It was people partying until morning. It was those same people rolling on the floor in agony a few hours later.
It was coffee and gelato until morning. It was sitting in cafe's and just chilling. It was walking from one end of Rome to the other, seeing all the performances there.
It was color, it was light. It was purple, blue, red, green, yellow. It was a night of every color. It was a white night.
Labels: Notte Bianca, Photography
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