Police Lambourghini

I love this car, but I think it’s probably the worst police car I’ve ever seen. Why? Well, because even though it might do a great job of promoting the wealth of the Italian state, this car doesn’t do its job well. Sure, it can go faster than most cars criminals will be driving, but a police car must also be able to get criminals to pull over. And while this car might be able to get some minor criminal who loves fancy cars to give himself in just for a ride in a lambourghini, most criminals won’t pull over at the site of a lambourghini police car. So, the lambourghini will have to ram cars in order to stop them. But who in their right mind would ram a lambourghini into another car? It would cost a fortune to repair the smallest scratch on a car like this. The maintanence alone for this car would probably buy several ordinary, and much more useful, police cars. Also, it would be virtually impossible for a car like this to maneouver in
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