Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ciao, Roma!

I’m sitting right now on a McDonnel Douglass A330 Jet in a tiny crammed seat, my legs tucked under me, and my back aching. I think I will write this, and then go for a walk around the cabin. Anyway, I’m heading home. That’s it. Rome is over. My time in Rome has passed. It was an incredibly educational experience. I learned so much, both about Roman history, and about living outside my Redmond-UW bubble. I am incredibly grateful for doing this. I will definitely miss many things about Rome. Here are the first ten that I could think of:

1.) The Gelato from Giolitti

2.) Living amongst the beautiful, historic structures of Rome.

3.) Walking around the narrow cobblestone streets.

4.) The water fountains everywhere.

5.) Getting to see what I’m learning about in front of me as I study it.

6.) Going to the market every morning and getting fresh produce.

7.) The pizza in Italy.

8.) Cappucinos for less than a euro.

9.) Being able to hop on a train and be at the beach within a half hour.

10.) The disorderly mishmash of traffic.

Rome really feels like home to me. I really love the less pretentious, more honest culture in this city. It seems like there’s less of a false front people put up here. The city seems much more honest to me. Even though the mass of people and constant mess where I lived and language barrier made living in Rome hard at times, overall I really enjoyed my stay. Nevertheless, I’m happy to be back home.

That’s it, thanks for reading!


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